2024 is the 2nd consecutive year ranked #1 in Newsweek’s list of Best Addiction Treatment Centers in Arizona!

Preparing for Your Stay

In order that you come prepared for your stay with us at Sierra Tucson and know what to expect, we have compiled the following information that will help you in planning for your treatment experience.

Travel Arrangements

Residents are responsible for making their own travel arrangements to Tucson.

If traveling by plane, bus, or train, Sierra Tucson will meet you at the baggage claim area when you disembark. We will need a physical description, so we know for whom to look.

Your Arrival

Upon arrival, an Admissions Representative will greet you. They will review intake documents, including release of information forms, financial paperwork, and admission conditions. Subsequently, you will meet with a member of the Nursing team who will admit you to Copper Sky, our voluntary, secure detox stabilization unit. Following this, you will complete an assessment and be shown to your room.

Resident Rights

At Sierra Tucson, we place a premium on providing respectful treatment of residents, family members, and staff in a safe and supportive environment. We have systems in place to ensure that the rights of our clients and their family members are preserved and protected. These rights are outlined in the resident handbook that will be given to you upon admission.


Our commitment to each resident’s confidentiality is ensured by our legal responsibility as mandated by state and federal law. Each member of the Sierra Tucson team is dedicated to upholding these standards in all communications and records.

What to Bring

  • Limited amount of clothing (limit 2 suitcases and 1 carry-on). Laundry facilities, including supplies, are available for resident use. Irons and ironing boards are accessible, but we suggest that wash-and-wear clothing is more convenient. Dry cleaning services are not available.
  • Flat-soled or tennis shoes are recommended. No high heels over 2″ are permitted. Shoes and/or slippers must be worn outside your room. Bare feet are not permitted, except in the pool area.
  • Lightweight jackets and sweaters are recommended for eveningwear year-round – a heavier coat or jacket is recommended for winter months.
  • Electric razor/shaver is the only type allowed. (Note: All electrical items, such as hair dryers, curling irons, or electric shavers will be checked for safety.)
  • Insurance card
  • Detailed list of all medications you are currently taking. Include the name of medication, the dosage and frequency administered, name of physician who prescribed the medication, and the reason for the medication. Only bring a few days’ supply of your prescribed medications when traveling to the facility for admission.
  • Appropriate reading materials (books and magazines)
  • It is recommended that you lock up any valuables (such as credit cards, keys, and jewelry) not in your immediate possession. A safe, located in the business office, is provided for this purpose. Sierra Tucson staff cannot be responsible for your valuables.

What to Leave at Home

When admitted to Sierra Tucson, a staff member will greet you and review your belongings for safety. Please do not bring the following items:

  • You will not need to bring any of your medications unless indicated by your Admissions Coordinator beforehand. Please make sure to let your Admissions Coordinator know about all your medications, including any supplements before arrival.
  • Excessive or expensive jewelry
  • Exercise Equipment
  • Electronic equipment, including ipads, ereaders, audio/video equipment, TVs, or cameras. Any type of portable media players except MP3 players with pre downloaded approved content.
  • Craft materials
  • Musical instruments
  • Stuffed animals
  • Shoe polish, liquid soap, detergent, or bleach
  • Glass items
  • Disposable razors, straight razors, razorblades, pocketknives, knitting needles, crochet hooks, or metal hairpieces
  • Aerosol products, including deodorant and hairspray
  • Products containing alcohol (i.e., mouthwash, aftershave, facial toner, perfume, perfumed lotions, etc.)
  • Food, chewing gum, breath mints, candy of any kind, sugar, or artificial sweeteners
  • Insulated coffee cups
  • Smokeless tobacco, cigars, rolling tobacco, or pipes
  • Illegal substances or mood-altering drugs
  • Firearms and/or supplies

Resident Dress Code

Dress at Sierra Tucson is casual and comfortable. Please limit luggage to 2 suitcases and 1 carry-on. Please refer to the Resident Dress code located on the Sierra Tucson website for additional information.

Please bring a supply of toiletries to last your entire stay, as only a limited selection is available.

Laundry facilities, including supplies, are available for resident use. Irons and ironing boards are accessible but we suggest ready to wear clothing. Dry cleaning services are not available.

  • Lightweight jackets and sweaters are recommended for evening wear year-round –a heavier coat or jacket is recommended for winter months.
  • Comfortable shoes are recommended. Shoes and/or slippers must be worn outside your room. Bare feet are not permitted, except in the shower and pool area.
  • Insurance and ID cards
  • Appropriate reading materials (books and magazines)
  • MP3 player with music downloaded prior to admission (no internet access will be available for additional downloads)
  • Electric razor/shaver is the only type of hair remover allowed. (Note: All electrical items, such as hair dryers, curling irons, or electric shavers will be held in your contraband container for safety.)
  • Limited (or 0) Cash – Our bookstore sells toiletries, books, stamps, greeting cards, T-shirts, etc. The bookstore accepts all major credit cards.


It is important that you advise your Admissions Coordinator of all medications you are currently taking. Include the name of the medication, the dosage and frequency administered, as well as the name of the physician who prescribed the medication. Each resident’s medical provider will manage medication through Sierra Tucson’s pharmacy supply. Please do not bring prescription or non-prescription medications, vitamins, herbs, or nutritional supplements.


We suggest that you bring approximately $200 for spending money. Our bookstore sells toiletries, books, stamps, greeting cards, T-shirts, etc. The bookstore accepts all major credit cards.

Please bring a supply of toiletries to last your entire stay, as only a limited selection is available.

Residents may cash one check in the amount of $100, through Admissions only. No cash back on debit or credit cards. The maximum amount of cash to be carried at one time is $100.

Limit of Cash: Cash stored in a safe bag is limited to $500 per resident. Funds exceeding this amount will be applied to the resident account as payment or refunded following discharge.

Sierra Tucson is not responsible for lost cash.

Tobacco Use

The policy of Sierra Tucson is to not deny a resident’s entry into treatment because of the use of nicotine, but to address this as an addiction.

During the admissions process, residents will be told of our goal to support them in becoming nicotine-free.

However, for those who do smoke, there is a designated area, outside only, where smoking is permitted.

Residents will not be able to purchase cigarettes; it will be necessary for you to bring what you will consume during your stay. Smokeless tobacco, cigars, rolling tobacco, or pipes are not permitted at Sierra Tucson. E-Cigarettes are allowed and the same guidelines as cigarettes apply. Any E-Cigarette supplies must be in new and unopened containers.

Sierra Tucson is not responsible for lost cash.

Telephone and Mail

In order to ensure a therapeutic milieu, residents will not have access to their cell phones while in Copper Sky. Upon admission, residents are allowed to call (under nursing supervision) a significant other person to advise of their safe arrival. Residents are able to use the phones in Copper Sky (requires pre-paid phone card) and will have limited access to their cell phones after the first 7 days in Residential. These policies are applicable unless otherwise indicated by a medical provider’s order.. Phone cards are available for purchase in the bookstore.

Mail may be sent to the following address:

Resident’s name
c/o Sierra Tucson
39580 S. Lago del Oro Parkway
Tucson, AZ 85739

No mail order packages will be delivered to residents while they are in treatment unless authorized by their unit therapist.

Visitor Policies

Visitation is allowed on Sunday’s between 1-4pm with prior notification and approval from Sierra Tucson staff.

Sierra Tucson opened my eyes and my heart to the possibilities of a happy and healthy life of recovery and renewal. I was able to rekindle my spirituality and resolve deeply held issues of my disease. The staff and community come together as one in a cohesive and structured program that heals the body, mind, and soul. I am continuing to work a program based on the Sierra Tucson Model®.

– Anonymous Client
Marks of Quality Care
These accreditations are an official recognition of our dedication to providing treatment that exceeds the standards and best practices of quality care.
  • Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA)
  • GeneSight
  • National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems (NAPHS)
  • Neurostar
  • PsychArmor
  • The Joint Commission (JCAHO) Gold Seal of Approval