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Best Prescription Painkiller Abuse & Addiction Detox & Treatment Center

Sierra Tucson offers effective, comprehensive treatment for individuals in need of detox for prescription painkiller addiction.

Importance of Detox

The importance of detox for prescription painkiller addiction

Prescription painkillers have had highly beneficial impacts on individuals both across the United States and throughout the rest of the world. Their ability to reduce pain has significantly improved the quality of life for those who have been affected with a variety of conditions, diseases, and disorders. Among the most commonly prescribed painkillers are opioid-based medications such as OxyContin (oxycodone) and Vicodin (hydrocodone).

Unfortunately, in addition to being highly valuable for medical reasons, prescription painkillers are often abused for purposes of self-medication and/or recreation. Prescription painkiller abuse can put a person at risk for several negative outcomes, including but not limited to addiction. Some people have become addicted to prescription painkillers after consuming these substances for medical reasons, while others developed dependence because of their recreational substance abuse. Regardless of why an individual first starts taking a prescription painkiller, developing an addiction can be highly upsetting and can bring on many risks to the individual’s physical and psychological wellbeing.

Defeating an addiction to prescription painkillers can be made more difficult by a handful of factors, including the prevalence of these substances, their ability to supply beneficial effects, and the onset of withdrawal symptoms when an individual ends, tries to end, or is prevented from abusing them. When an individual develops an addiction to prescription painkillers, their body will get used to the presence of them.

When these substances are not consumed within a timely fashion, the body will react negatively in a series of unpleasant ways. These reactions are known as withdrawal symptoms, and depending upon the nature and severity of one’s prescription painkiller addiction and abuse, withdrawal symptoms can include extreme cravings for the drug, tics and tremors, cramping, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, depression, anxiety, agitation, and sleep disturbances.

Since the pain of withdrawal can be decreased by consuming the prescription painkiller that the individual has grown addicted to, attempting to stop an addiction by oneself is often extremely challenging. However, a much safer, less painful, and more effective method is available: detoxification.

Also referred to as detox, this process occurs within a clinical setting under the care of certified professionals. In a setting such as this, individuals can clear their bodies of prescription painkillers in a manner where their chances at achieving long-term recovery are greater.

Benefits of Detox

Benefits of prescription painkiller detox at our treatment center

As noted above, safety and comfort are benefits of partaking in detox for prescription painkiller addiction. However, detox supplies many other benefits. Below are some of the many beneficial aspects of finishing detox at a reputable treatment center:

  • Security: During withdrawal, an individual might be tempted to relieve themselves from any mental or physical pain by relapsing into prescription painkiller abuse. In a detox center, however, any medications on site will be stored safely and patients will be unable to access the substances of abuse, preventing them from relapsing.
  • Transition: When an individual has finished prescription painkiller detox, they can usually go right into residential treatment, outpatient treatment, or whatever care option has been recommended for them. This direct transition can be critical in the effort to prevent relapse and move into continued recovery.
  • Safety: While it can be painful, withdrawing from prescription painkillers is not usually a dangerous experience. However, complications can always develop. In a medically monitored detox center, professionals can ensure that patients are safe during the entire process.
  • Comfort: Pain management can take on a number of forms within a detox center, including the administration of specific medications and therapeutic services. Detox professionals are trained in helping patients avoid and address pain as it occurs during the process.
  • Support: During detox, individuals can benefit from the support of those who are finishing the process as well as from the guidance of the best professional team members. Depending on the details of the detox treatment, support can go from informal encouragement to more formal therapy sessions.
Many challenges stand in the way of an individual effectively overcoming an addiction to prescription painkillers. However, concerns or worries regarding withdrawal pain or the chances of being unable to rid one’s body of these deadly substances should not prevent an individual’s attempts at receiving professional care that can drastically change their life.

In an effective detox program, people who have struggled with addiction can obtain the guidance, supervision, and support that will allow them to end their painkiller abuse and begin a life that boasts long-term recovery.

At Sierra Tucson, the best treatment center for prescription painkiller detox, we realize the stresses that an individual can suffer when attempting to obtain help for prescription painkiller addiction, and we honor those who make the decision to get help. At our premier prescription painkiller abuse detox center, we are prepared to offer the comprehensive services that can help an individual out of their fatal cycle of addiction and into a happier, healthier, drug-free future.

If you or someone you care for can benefit from the best treatment that we supply, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to supplying you with the information you need to make the right decision for you or your loved one.

Sierra Tucson taught me how to embrace my life with love and compassion instead of running away from it.

– Anonymous Client
Marks of Quality Care
These accreditations are an official recognition of our dedication to providing treatment that exceeds the standards and best practices of quality care.
  • Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA)
  • GeneSight
  • National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems (NAPHS)
  • Neurostar
  • PsychArmor
  • The Joint Commission (JCAHO) Gold Seal of Approval